In this Issue
- Meet Frankie, the Youngest Member of the WAS Staff
- Planting our Native Garden
- 100th anniversary of Bubsie
- NSW Government - No Parking Rules
- Stage 1 Science
- Student Leaders
- Primary CSSA Zone Swimming Carnival
- Wahroonga Age Swimming Champions
- First in CSSA State
- 2A Narrative Writting
- Prep Bible Bush Walk
- Art Competition
- 11 Advanced English - Bush Poetry
- Tutankhamun's Tomb Mapping Activity
- Introducing our 2015 Environmental Ambassadors
- CAPA - Encore Excursion
- School's Clean Up Day 2025
- SRC Representatives
- Ku-ring-gai Youth Forum 2025
- Year 10 Pass
From the Principal
Every Day Counts
Every Day Counts
As Christians we believe that God is the giver of life each day, as someone noted we call it ‘the present’ - a gift from our Creator. Psalm 118:24 declares ‘This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.’ What a great attitude to have about each day? We recognise that not every day brings only reasons to rejoice; that some days are harder than others.
As we begin the new academic year, we want to take a moment to emphasize the crucial role that regular school attendance plays in your child's education and overall development. As a school, we are committed to providing high-quality education and fostering an environment where each student can thrive. Attending school consistently is a key factor in students developing and achieving in the following areas:
Academic Achievement
Skill Development
Social and Emotional Growth
Building Responsibility
Preventing Learning Gaps
We understand that there may be times when absences are unavoidable due to illness or other important reasons. In such cases, we encourage you to communicate with the school so we can provide the necessary support for your child.
Let's work together to make sure your child attends school regularly and maximizes their learning potential. Your involvement and support play a significant role in your child's success. For further information regarding attendance, please read the Parent Information Document. If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support in making our school a place where every student can succeed. Let’s encourage our children to see each day as an opportunity to be thankful for all our blessings and to embrace the opportunities for learning that it brings.
Craig Young Anne-Marie Deppeler Michael St Mart
Principal Head of Primary Head of Secondary

Chaplain's Message
WIRED Building Connections and Faith
WIRED Building Connections and Faith
Last week in chapel one of our own students, Lincoln, preached in chapel and did an awesome job. We invite students to get up and share their testimony roughly once a term. If you’d like to check out chapel, you are more than welcome. 9:40-10:30 AM every Friday, mostly in Fox Valley Church. Plus we have student barrista’s providing coffees to order on the house! Come along and check it out.
Over the past two weeks, we launched our first Friday night youth program called WIRED for 2025. It was a great night of community. This year, we are introducing a new format for our Friday night programs. We begin by gathering as a large group to share dinner, then split into age-specific life groups. Our goal is to deepen peer relationships and connections within each cohort, as well as strengthen our relationships with God.
The final WIRED event of each term will follow a classic model, featuring a church service-style night with student preachers, student-led music, and food. Our next WIRED life groups session is scheduled for March 14th. Following that, we have an exciting combined night of worship on March 28th, where students from Hills Adventist College, Macarthur Adventist College, and Mountain View Adventist College will join us. These nights provide wonderful opportunities for our students to mingle and deepen their friendships within our school community across Sydney.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Fox Valley Adventist Church for hosting WIRED in partnership with our school chaplains. Fox Valley generously provides all the food and supports us with amazing youth leaders and volunteers, and of course – the church building too. Thank you, Fox Valley Church, for your support!
Proverbs 27:17: "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." May our students grow their friendships, faith, and community as we continue to run forward into all that God has planned for our school.
Pr Nick
Lead Chaplain

Write Vibe
Behind the Textbooks: School Life Exposed
Behind the Textbooks: School Life Exposed
From the roar of record breaking swimming carnival atmosphere, to the latest delicious cuisine crafted from the hands of the canteen ladies, to the inside scoop on the reality which Tuesday sport choice is truly the best—get ready because the Write Vibe is here to provide a behind-the-scenes look, straight from the student perspective!
This fresh and thrilling column in our Wahroonga school newsletter is all about illuminating the individual experiences, ornate stories, and diverse perspectives of the students who live them. From the juggle of senior school demands and early extension classes, to the atmospheric adrenaline of high school sport carnivals, to an inside exposé on the campus’ ‘Top Ten Lunchtime Hang-out Spots,’ the Write Vibe offers a crisp, authentic insight into what’s going on around us. Moreover, this column is more than just the events occurring; it’s about capturing the essence of student life in all its trials and tribulations.
And there’s more to explore. The Write Vibe will introduce a space to spotlight the individuals who make our school extraordinary. Explore the profiles of the students and teachers who keep our school’s clock ticking, catch a glimpse of what drives students to success, motivates teachers to teach, and discover the hidden gems about those you barely know.
Ultimately, the Write Vibe necessitates honouring the student voice, planting the seeds to empower a diverse bouquet of individual voices and unique perspectives. Whether discussing the impact of the Environmental Ambassador's initiatives or promoting the Chaplaincy Song Writer’s Team’s freshest song, this is a place where stories can be heard.
And though it’s about the stories, it’s also about the opportunity to tell them, providing a space for aspiring writers to hone their desires. Whether writing, editing, creating content, or discovering the current news. This is the perfect chance. Participants will gain invaluable skills that they can utilise throughout their lives, be granted exclusive access to school events, and have the opportunity to shape the narrative of the school’s happenings.
On a final note, the Write Vibe is all about bringing our school’s stories to life. It’s a chance to share the experiences that define our community. After all, the school’s story isn’t just about what happens—it’s about how we experience it. And who better to tell it than us?
By Salani S - 11A

Upcoming Events
Calendar of Upcoming School Events
Calendar of Upcoming School Events
You can access the list of upcoming School events via the link below. The School Calendar is also available under the Parent Information tab on the School website.
Working Bee
Working Bee
🌿 Wahroonga Adventist School Working Bee & Sustainability Update 🌿
Join Us for our Term 1 Working Bee!
We’re calling on our wonderful school community to lend a hand at our Working Bee on Sunday, 30 March 2025, from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. This is a great opportunity to connect with other families while helping to maintain and improve our school grounds.
To assist with planning, please register your attendance by completing this form:
Exciting News – The Chickens Are Returning! 🐔
Our beloved school chickens will be coming back to a brand-new chicken run! This upgraded space will provide them with a safe and comfortable home, and we can’t wait for students to be involved in their care again.
In even more exciting news, preparations have begun for our 2025 Royal Easter Show entry! Our students will be showcasing their chickens and fresh produce—stay tuned for updates.
Get Involved – Join the Garden Committee!
The Garden Committee, a part of our Home and School Committee, plays a vital role in maintaining and growing our school’s sustainability projects. We deeply appreciate the ongoing support from the Home and School Committee and invite parents and carers to get involved. If you have a passion for gardening, sustainability, or hands-on learning, we’d love to hear from you! Contact [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you at the Working Bee and hope you can support our growing sustainability projects!
Brad Crossman (parent helper) and WAS Garden and Sustainability Committee.

Harmony Day Communication 2025
Harmony Day Communication 2025
Hello parents and carers,
We will be celebrating Harmony Day on Thursday 20th March (Week 8).
Harmony Day is a day to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate unity and all things that make our school unique. It helps us remember that although we may have come from many places around the globe, we are united through this school and the family of God.
It will be a whole school mufti day where students are able to come dressed in their cultural dress or costume, or the colour orange which represents Harmony for a gold coin donation.
We will be running an International Food Festival throughout the day organised by the SRC. We are also looking to have some volunteers who are available to help out on the day.
Primary food stalls will run from 11:10-12pm, followed by a special Harmony Day Concert beginning at 12pm in Fox Community Centre, which parents are invited to! Secondary food stalls will run from 12pm-1:20pm, with their concert following this.
We would love to have some donations of small bite sized food items for students to be able to purchase during break times. Please complete the form below if you would be willing to make or provide something from your cultural background for us to enjoy. Please ensure you attach a list of ingredients for your food item on the day. We ask that all food is vegetarian and is free of nuts.
Thank you for getting involved!
SRC Coordinators

Whole School News
Meet Frankie, the Youngest Member of the WAS Staff
Meet Frankie, the Youngest Member of the WAS Staff

We are excited to introduce the youngest member of the WAS family—Frankie, a 14-week-old female Australian Cobberdog. Frankie may spend most of her day snoozing in the staffroom, but when she's awake, she's always ready to interact with students and teachers of all ages.
Her playful and friendly nature brings smiles to everyone around her, making her the perfect addition to our school community. Whether she's meeting a new friend in the hallway or getting some belly rubs from the staff, Frankie is sure to brighten everyone's day.
Everyone is amazed at how quickly Frankie is growing, she is much bigger already than the photo.
Be sure to say hi to Frankie when you see her around the school—she loves making new friends!
Planting our Native Garden
Planting our Native Garden
Our Year 6 students along with the Environmental Ambassador student leaders had the wonderful opportunity to engage with nature in a hands-on and educational way. Thanks to the generous donation of 60 native plants from Planting Seeds and B&B Highway, our students were able to actively contribute to the creation of a vibrant and eco-friendly native garden on our school grounds.
The day was packed with both indoor and outdoor learning experiences, where students explored topics like plants, pollinators, habitats, and citizen science. The students gained valuable insights into the crucial role of native plants in our environment and how they contribute to biodiversity. They were also given the exciting opportunity to apply this knowledge during a visit to the beautiful Coups Creek Reserve. Here, students made species observations and used their photography skills to document their findings for upload to iNaturalist, a fantastic citizen science platform.
A standout activity of the day was learning how to make bee hotels using clay. This hands-on workshop not only introduced students to the fascinating world of bees but also gave them the tools to create a practical habitat for these vital pollinators.
Our school also received a bird habitat gift which will be installed on a gum tree nearby.
This experience was a wonderful way to inspire our students to become more environmentally conscious and engaged with nature. We are deeply grateful for the support from the B&B Highway team, as well as the opportunity to connect our students with the natural world in such a meaningful way.
Mrs Leisly White – Environmental Coordinator

100th anniversary of Bubsie
100th anniversary of Bubsie
Bubsie is the first car that was driven right around Australia.
2025 is the 100th anniversary of the first car to circumnavigate Australia and it was driven by two young SDA students who had attended Carmel College in Perth, W.A.
The Incredible Journey Ministries has brought an exact model as the original car, which is now in the National Museum in Canberra. During 2025 we are taking our Bubsie right around Australia.
We have scheduled a visit to Wahroonga Adventist School on March 14, 2025. Viewing the car and telling the story of the adventures of the two men who drove it will be inspiring to the students, staff, and parents of your college.
For more details about this story please click on the link below

NSW Government - No Parking Rules
NSW Government - No Parking Rules
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we strive to ensure a safe and efficient drop-off experience for all our students, we would like to kindly remind everyone about the designated no parking zone located at the front of the school. This area is specifically designated as a drop-off and pick up zone only. Parking in this zone can create congestion and safety hazards for our community, staff and students.
According tto the NSW Government Parking rules
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping this area clear to facilitate a smooth and safe transition for all children entering the school.
Thank you for your understanding and support in helping us maintain a safe environment for our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Stage 1 Science
Stage 1 Science
Our Year 1 and 2 students recently embarked on a thrilling scientific adventure, creating their own parachutes to explore the fascinating force of gravity. Using various amounts of rubbers, they investigated how these changes affected the speed and descent of their parachutes. This hands-on experiment not only sparked curiosity but also provided a fun and engaging way to learn about fundamental physics concepts. Well done to our young scientists for their enthusiasm and creativity!

Student Leaders
Student Leaders
Last week during Chapel, our new 2025 House Leaders, SRC and Environmental Ambassadors were announced. It is wonderful to see so many students wanting to be involved in making our school all it can be. I am looking forward to working with them throughout the year.


House Leaders

Environmental Ambassadors
Primary CSSA Zone Swimming Carnival
Primary CSSA Zone Swimming Carnival
I'm a new paragraph block.

Wahroonga Age Swimming Champions
Wahroonga Age Swimming Champions
Congratulations to our Swimming Carnival Age Champions!!

I'm a new paragraph block.
First in CSSA State
First in CSSA State
Congratulations to Josh P for coming first in the CSSA State 50 metre breaststroke.

2A Narrative Writting
2A Narrative Writting
This week 2A started our new Narrative writing topic. This week we created our main character for our stories learning the importance of using descriptive language to describe our characters. We then used a text to image creator to turn our descriptions into an image of our characters! We had so much fun seeing what characters would be created and some great characters were put to life!

Prep Bible Bush Walk
Prep Bible Bush Walk
Our preps have been settling into our school very well. This term, our first Bible story has been about how God created our world.
The preps went for a little bush walk behind our school and discovered various trees, flowers, birds and other nature that God has made for us.
“God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31a NIV

Secondary School News
Art Competition
Art Competition

11 Advanced English - Bush Poetry
11 Advanced English - Bush Poetry
Year 11 English Advanced have been learning about the poetry of Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson and how they provided both intersecting and contrasting perspectives of Australian Identity. On Monday the 24th of February, Year 11 wrote their own poems inspired by the Australian landscape, using the bushland behind the school as inspiration. Below are some extracts from their poems:
“The boisterous chorus of cockatoos in the canopy of trees contrasts with the gentle rustle of the breeze in dull grey leaves” – Samantha Manners
“Streaks of sunlight illuminate the assortment of green leaves speckled on the earth.” – Matthew Ng
“High pitched humming bugs
In harmony with the birds
Creating a tune” – Olivia, Ava, Ahana and Caitlin

Tutankhamun's Tomb Mapping Activity
Tutankhamun's Tomb Mapping Activity
On Wednesday the 5th of February the year 11 Ancient History class recreated Ancient Egypt in the temporary carpark. Students sketched a scale drawing of the dimensions of Tutankhamun’s Tomb to gain a greater understanding of the Pharaoh’s final resting place. Due to Tutankhamun’s short, 9 year reign, it is likely that his own tomb was not ready and was therefore buried in a much smaller tomb, meant for one of his elder officials.

Introducing our 2015 Environmental Ambassadors
Introducing our 2015 Environmental Ambassadors
We are excited to introduce this year’s Environmental Ambassadors—an inspiring group of students dedicated to making a difference for our planet. These young leaders have demonstrated a passion for sustainability and a commitment to positive environmental action in our school and community.
The Environmental Ambassadors program empowers students to take initiative in promoting sustainability, reducing waste, and leading conservation projects. Throughout the year, our ambassadors will organise educational campaigns, implement eco-friendly initiatives, and inspire their peers to make more environmentally conscious choices.
This year’s team includes students from a range of year levels, each bringing unique ideas and enthusiasm to the program. Our 2025 Environmental Ambassadors are:
Isla H, Fiona T, Phoebe P, Charlotte O, Samara J, Lucy M, Ashton K, Makan W, Elijah W, Ernest C, Christine C, Nathanael M, Jonathan D.
They will be working on several key projects, including:
Waste Reduction Campaigns : Encouraging better recycling practices and minimising cans and bottles entering landfill.
Sustainable School Gardens : Maintaining and expanding green spaces to promote biodiversity. Running the chicken coop and chickens.
Community Clean-Up Events : Organising efforts to keep our local environment clean and thriving.
We are incredibly proud of our 2025 Environmental Ambassadors and look forward to seeing the impact they will make this year. Keep an eye out for their initiatives, and join us in supporting their mission to create a more sustainable future!
If you would also liked to be involved feel free to join our school gardening committee by emailing our Environmental Coordinator Leisly White - [email protected]

CAPA - Encore Excursion
CAPA - Encore Excursion
Last week our talented music students had the privilege of attending the Opera House to watch the Encore Year 12 performances. This event showcased the remarkable talents of Year 12 students from across the region, highlighting their hard work and dedication in the field of music.
The Opera House, with its stunning architecture and world-class acoustics, provided the perfect backdrop for an inspiring evening of performances. Our students were treated to a diverse range of musical styles, from classical to contemporary, allowing them to experience the richness of live music in a professional setting.
This outing not only served as a wonderful cultural experience but also offered our students valuable insights into the world of performance. They had the chance to observe the techniques and artistry of their peers, which will undoubtedly inspire their own musical journeys.
We would like to extend our gratitude to the staff and parents who made this trip possible. Your support is invaluable in providing our students with enriching experiences that enhance their learning and passion for music.
We look forward to sharing more exciting opportunities with our music elective students in the future!

School's Clean Up Day 2025
School's Clean Up Day 2025
Our Senior Environmental Ambassadors recently led an inspiring effort as part of our School’s Clean Up Day. This year, they took their dedication beyond the school grounds to help clean up our local community and nature reserve at Coups Creek. Armed with gloves, rubbish bags, and plenty of enthusiasm, our students worked diligently to remove litter, ensuring that this valuable ecosystem remains a healthy and thriving habitat for local wildlife.
The initiative was a fantastic opportunity for students to witness firsthand the impact of waste on the environment and to take meaningful steps toward conservation.
We are incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication. Their efforts not only contributed to a cleaner environment but also set an example for the entire school community. Well done to all involved!
Mrs Leisly White – Environmental Coordinator

SRC Representatives
SRC Representatives
Miss Drinkall and Mr Tait announced the members of this year’s Student Representative Council. The SRC has been formed with students from each stage group having nominated themselves, or having been nominated by their peers, to represent the collective voice of students at Wahroonga Adventist School.
This year, the role of the SRC is to not only aid in the organisation of key events within the school, but to work cohesively as a link between students and the executive team to make positive changes for the student experience. We look forward to working together over the coming year.

Ku-ring-gai Youth Forum 2025
Ku-ring-gai Youth Forum 2025
Attending the Ku-ring-gai Youth Forum 2025 with our Year 7-9 students was an inspiring and enriching experience. Held at the St Ives Community Centre , this event brought together students from across the region to discuss important issues, develop leadership skills, and contribute to shaping the future of our local community.
Throughout the day, our students participated in problem-solving workshops , collaborated with peers, and shared their thoughts with council representatives.
A key highlight was the enthusiasm and passion displayed by our students. They explored topics such as youth programs, mental health, and environmental sustainability , all while networking with like-minded peers. The forum not only provided valuable learning experiences but also reinforced the importance of student voices in decision-making.
The day was well-organised, engaging, and full of energy. Our students walked away feeling empowered, motivated, and eager to apply their new skills in our school community.

Year 10 Pass
Year 10 Pass
In our Year 10 Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS) classes, students have been introduced to the exciting game of Pickleball over the last three sessions. This sport, a unique blend of tennis, badminton, and ping pong, is a fantastic way to improve hand-eye coordination, agility, and teamwork.
Students have learned the basic rules of the game, including how to serve, score points, and rally with a partner. It’s been great to see everyone quickly picking up the fundamentals, and even more impressive to watch how their skills have developed each week! From mastering the paddle grip to learning the importance of positioning, the students have shown real dedication

Library News
Premier's Reading Challenge
Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier’s Reading Challenge website ( ) is now active for the 2025 challenge. On this website you can read about the challenge, check the rules and regulations, view the extensive book lists, read the privacy policy, and access your child’s reading record. All passwords were changed this year and have been sent home. Please keep a record of these details for future reference as they will be needed each year your child completes the challenge.
Kindy students and those new to our school will now have received their username and password . If your child has completed the challenge elsewhere, please contact me at [email protected] so I can arrange for your challenge history to be brought over to our school – please include the name of your child’s previous school.
We have made an amazing start to the Premier’s Reading Challenge this year with 27 students having already finished! Congratulations to the following students who have kept busy reading over the summer holidays: Aiden L (KC), Artin N (KC), Anthony K (2A), Elliot Z (2A), Delta B (2C), Ethan K (3K), Hosana K (3K), Max G (4W), Amelia K (4W), Chandler L (4W), Samuel Z (4W), Adam A (5C), Sierra B (5C), Hamish C (5C), Emma L (5C), Martina C (5L), Anusha D (6A), Iris L (6A), Hugh A (6Q), Oscar L (6Q), Matthew L (6Q), Aadi V (6Q), Zara N (7A), Dylan L (7W), Abigail G (8S), Lachlan P (8S), and Elijah V (8S). Well done and keep up the reading!
Library Webapp
Library Webapp
The Library WebAPP is a great place to keep up with library news, search the catalogue, check your child’s borrowing details, and view their borrowing history. Go to ( Wahroonga Adventist School ( ) and follow the instructions on the Guest page to log-in to your child’s library records.
Book Fair
Book Fair

Book Fair Blizzard: Chill out with a Good Book!
Get ready for some fun in the Library at our Term 1 Book Fair which is being held during Weeks 8 and 9 of this Term!!!
Book Fair will run from Wednesday, March 19 to Monday, March 24 (8am – 4pm & Thursday until 6pm) in the school library. A giant range of children’s books, novelty items and posters from Scholastic Book Company will be available for purchase. Choose books for your personal use, for gifts, or select books from your child’s class wish list and donate them to their classroom.
Please note the following:
There will be no book exchange in the Library during the book fair so please keep your books at home and return them the following week. Tuesday classes will be rescheduled so that they can also attend the Book Fair.
If you are able to volunteer some time to help set up and run our book fair, please contact Mrs Savage at [email protected] – set up will be on Tuesday, March 21 and helpers will also be needed during the book fair.
Our dress up day this year is going to be on August 18 during our Term 3 Book Week celebrations.

Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Times
Uniform Shop Opening Times
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 8:20 - 9:30 AM
Thursday 2.30 - 3:30 PM
Please order through Flexischools for any orders where you know your sizing and what you may need. Flexischool orders will be collected from the office for High School and dropped to classes for Primary school on Thursdays and Fridays.
Bits and Pieces
Kissing Point Softball Club
Kissing Point Softball Club